Challenging every man to know Christ

and live in victory.

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17


The vision of GSL MEN OF VALOR MINISTRY is to challenge men to become Champions for Christ.  Our desire is to develop a community of men dedicated to cultivating real relationships and spiritual maturity. For every man to know Christ and lead others to Him. To encourage and equip men in their relationship with Christ through authentic friendships and doing life together, becoming better leaders with strengthened marriages, families and churches.

Our aim is to be men of strong character and integrity who serve and support one another with intentional kingdom action.


Most men don’t have a positive role model in their lives, which sets a downward trend in their family structure, job performance and individual health. The community suffers because of these trends. Our goal at GSL Men of Valor is to appeal to a masculine soul and how Christ can change you from the inside out to bring grace in your life.

Less than 10% of churches in the US have a men’s ministry, we want the men at GSL to learn to live a victorious life. Men need to know that God loves them just the way they are, that He is for us, and that men are massively important! 

Jesus Christ is the ONE who gives us purpose and passion to serve others. We come alongside men to help them realize their importance, and the call of God on their life. 

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